Chapter 2291 Her Prince Charming Was Here

The man sneered and said, "Don't waste your time. There is no signal here, and no one will come here at all. There's an abundance of food and wine upstairs, like heaven, but here, it's like hell. We have been here for half a year, and no one has found us."

At that moment, Belinda was awakened by Alice's will to survive. She began to struggle hard, making her last bid to survive.

"B*stard." Belinda gathered her strength and kicked the man's belly. He, who was enjoying himself, suddenly staggered back. His expression was full of displeasure, terrifying and gloomy.

"Ah... You b*tch." The man felt like his life was going to end at that kick.

After venting his anger, the man's expression became even gloomier.

He suddenly walked over and grabbed hold of Belinda who was a few feet away. She was in so much pain that she could not get up. She hunched over and almost fainted.