Chapter 2303 I\'m So Jealous of You

Alma didn't understand what Alice was saying, but she just didn't want to lose. She raised her head and didn't want to be so self-abased in front of Alice. "Alice, if my family was good enough to match up with Henrick's, he wouldn't have given me up easily. I didn't lose to you. I lost because of my ordinary family."

She had no say in the family she was born into. Although she was not reconciled with her situation, her mother had been very kind to her all these years.

"Alma, people can't choose which family they're born into, but they can change their own disadvantages as well as the status quo, and work very hard. For you, you just did it in the wrong way. In the end, you lost to yourself. In fact, for Henrick, no matter what your family conditions are like, what's most important is that he likes you, rather than where you came from."