Chapter 2317 You Finally Love Me

Alice felt a stab of sharp pain. 

Although she didn't know what he meant by that, she could tell that he was more or less testing her.

"What did Dr. Harris say?" She was a little angry. "Did you deliberately drive me away just now?"

Henrick did not deny this. He'd wanted to lead her away.

He was afraid that the result would be too disappointing, and he didn't want her to be disappointed with him.

He didn't want her to be in pain anymore!

"Dr. Harris said two years, the shortest period. Any slower and it might take up to five years." In fact, he had thought it over before telling her about this matter.

Now that she was his girlfriend, she had the right to know about it. Then, she would make the decision.

In the past few years, he could also film with one hand, but he wanted to rest and accompany the child and her. It depended on whether she was willing or not.