Chapter 2321 Something Happened to My Father

After the family of three had their breakfast, Bert also came over.

Juliet ran over happily when she saw her grandfather.

"Grandpa, you're back."

"Oh my! My little darling." Bert squatted down and hugged Juliet. "Little girl, you've grown fat."

"Ah..." Juliet was stunned for a moment. "Grandpa, don't scare me. I've always paid attention to my figure. I haven't eaten much these days."

Juliet tensed up. She didn't want to get fat as it would be hard to lose weight.

Bert naturally knew what his darling granddaughter was thinking.

He smiled dotingly. "Baby, you're not fat at all. You're beautiful even if you've gotten a little bigger."

Juliet complained in a disappointed tone, "That means that I've gotten fat."

"You're not fat!" Bert regretted his words. Children who were a little rounder were good-looking, and their little round faces were even more adorable.