Chapter 2327 Exchange Gifts

"Eden, I slept well last night. Thank you very much!" Thinking of the warmly decorated room, she was very grateful.

It made her feel as comfortable as if it was her own home.

The most important thing for a relationship was comfort.

Eden always thought more from the perspective of others.

Eden looked at Adriel, who was beside her, and said with a smile, "Adriel, later, you take Marlon and Juliet to see your grandparents in the backyard. By the way, you can take Juliet to play in the manor for a while. When she gets up, you can take them to the restaurant for breakfast first."

Adriel replied, "Got it, Mom. We'll go over when Juliet is up."

Eden looked at Alice again and said, "Alice, do you want to go out for a walk? Ricky and Victor have also woken up. They're chatting with my father at the swimming pool."

Victor was very filial. Since his father retired, he took time to chat with his father everyday.

Alice nodded with a smile. "Eden, I'm going to greet my grandparents."