Chapter 2340 Fighting On The Spot

Magnolia smiled and said, "Don't you worry. Before she even gets to work, she must've familiarized herself with the processes at the designing department of the Alwynn Group. She should know what to do, and how to do it."

"Don't worry. She's just a nobody with no family background. Even if we take advantage of her, she can only take it. Who would wear the clothes that she designs when her style is so poor?"

Magnolia had always looked down on the poor, especially when they were beautiful.

Faith looked at Magnolia and her eyes flashed. "Magnolia, don't say that. Everyone is equal."

Magnolia smiled and replied in a mocking tone, "Just how are we equal? Look at how she's dressed."

Faith remained silent.

Who knew what would happen in the end?

Raelynn was beautiful inside out, and she had a gorgeous smile. A girl like her was a guy magnet.

Faith said, "Since Miss Edwards will be taking care of that, let's head over to the market later, we have something to do there."