Chapter 2363 Raelynn, will you give me a chance?

Hearing that deep and familiar voice, Raelynn was petrified right there and then.

It was over!

She was caught!

"God, please give me a chance at survival," she begged.

Just a little bit more and she would have been able to escape.

Kenneth had woken up a long time ago, but he lay still without moving a muscle when he saw the petite woman in his arms still deep in slumber.  

He partly also wanted to observe what she would do when she woke up. Unexpectedly, she was a stubborn one who attempted to escape yet again.  

"Isn't it about time you came back here?" His voice was low, and in its depths was anger.

Raelynn's hunched figure sat down, bare-legged.

No, no, no, she didn't hear anything, she could continue going forward.

She closed her eyes and continued walking away.

Kenneth was stupefied.

"Raelynn, do you think you can run?"

Those words instantly triggered Raelynn.