Chapter 2367 Dumb In Love

Raelynn smiled and said, "Mom, when I've made some more money in the future, I will buy you a bigger house to live in."

Malia shook her head with a chuckle. "Fool, how foolish!"

Raelynn did not speak. Even if her mother said that she was a fool, she still felt the affection in those words.

Malia pulled her daughter into the kitchen.

While walking, she said, "Rae, I've never dreamed of anything too grand to live in. This much is enough. Life is short, you shouldn't spend all your time and money on a house. You should make more time for yourself. As long as you're happy and can afford food and clothing, that's more than enough." 

The people of Malia's generation had suffered a lot. Malia had seen a youth shouldering the weight of a thirty-year house loan stubbornly, and it crushed him. When it came to the time to pay his mortgage, his life was filled with anxiety and arguments. She had seen all that before, and she didn't want her daughter to go down that path.