Chapter 2369 Gossip

Kenneth answered when he saw that it was Nathaniel calling.

"Hey!" His face was very red, and his voice was hoarse.

"Seven, I heard that you're on a business trip. Are you still busy? Why are you so slow to answer the phone?"

Nathaniel asked with a smile.

"Yes! What's the matter?" Kenneth went straight to the point.

Nathaniel asked, "What's wrong with your voice? It's quite hoarse. What did you do?"

Nathaniel was very perceptive.

Kenneth was stunned.

"Nothing. I'm too tired today. I'm going to rest."

Nathaniel smiled and said, "You’re too focused on work. You need to have some fun. By the way, my little junior sister said that she will be coming to River City. River City is your world. You can find her a place to live."

Kenneth frowned and asked, "When is she coming over?"

Nathaniel said, "She didn’t give me a specific time. She might come during this period or even the next day. You know how wilful she is!"