Chapter 2397 Why Did You Frame Me Like This

Raelynn was speechless. Isla really put her all into her acting.

Was there a need to risk her own life?

Sure enough, some people relied on their acting skills to survive.

"Isla." Nathaniel ran over.

Nathaniel and Isla had known each other for a long time. In his heart, she was a very cute girl, but she was a little arrogant.

Isla's family background was not bad, and she had been studying abroad all these years.

During the years of studying abroad, she had been with Nathaniel.

Nathaniel took good care of Isla from all aspects.

"Isla, how are you feeling?" Nathaniel helped Isla sit up and looked at the indifferent Raelynn unhappily.

"Don't you know how to help me?" Nathaniel glared at Raelynn.

Isla's face was covered in blood, and her whole body was in pain.

In order to worsen her fall, she had risked her life.

Isla curled up in Nathaniel's arms and spoke with tears streaming down her face, "Nathaniel, it's not Miss Edwards's fault. She didn't do it on purpose."