Chapter 2432 He Had Been Fooled By the Other Party

The man said, "Give me the video and the money will be transferred to your account immediately."

Hearing that, Kenneth got out of the car decisively.

Raelynn sat in the car and watched Kenneth's back nervously. The man was tall and his back was straight. Even looking at him made her feel an unprecedented sense of security.

She smiled faintly. It was like a dream. She had never dreamed that she would meet such a good man.

Kenneth walked straight in, grabbed the man's collar, and punched him hard in the face.

"Ah..." The sudden change and the pain in his face made the man panic.

"Who... are you? Why did you hit me?" The man roared at the top of his voice. That punch was too painful, and his mouth was almost full of blood.

Kenneth asked, "Did you ask him to kidnap Raelynn?"

The man who was beaten by him was stunned.

"What are you talking about? I was entrusted by someone to get a video. The other party gave me 300 dollars and told me to come over."