Chapter 90 You Look Beautiful When You Cry

Sigrid stared at the small boat as it strolled across the stream. She was starving, resisting the urge to take someone else's dishes from their boats.

Just as she was about to pester the waiter for their food, a boat stopped in front of their booth and made a beeping sound.

Sigrid's eyes lit up seeing the takoyaki placed on the boat. She went and took the dish over, pressed a small button on the boat and sent it back.

She then put the dish on the table and said, "The experience here is really something."

"It's nothing compared to the time you called me brother-in-law," George bantered.

"Eat up and stop flirting with me."

Despite chiding so in her mind, Sigrid only glared at him with a flushed face and quickly lowered her head, eating the takoyaki.