Chapter 100 Who Would Sigrid Save If George and Rachel Fell into the Sea?

Meanwhile, Sigrid was unaware that she might lose something precious tonight. She felt that George's workload had gradually lessened and she let out a smile.

At first, Sigrid thought that she could rest in the afternoon, but after lunch, she received a message from Rebecca.

Rebecca: [Sigrid, there have been some rumors recently, claiming that we are not on good terms. It could affect my reputation, so can you come to my workplace and bring along a cup of coffee? I would like to show my crew that we are on the same page.]

Sigrid wondered in puzzlement, "Since when did we not get along? Why do we need to act in front of others?"

Sigrid frowned as she pondered on it. She was reluctant to go, but Rebecca was spamming her with messages.

[There are many famous celebrities on set. Perhaps you can come around and get an autograph. Please?]

Rebecca then sent a photo.

[This is the list of actors on set. Just buy a cup of coffee and come over. You don't have to do anything else.]