Chapter 128 Tie You to Bed and Sleep With You Every Night

Sigrid looked down and saw that the skirt was not long enough. She said, "This one is nice. I'll wear this today. You wait for a while, and I'll put on some safety pants."

She raised her head, and he looked at her face carefully.

Her normally small face looked even smaller after she had cut her fringe. Her brown hair was in contrast with her skin color, which made her look like a porcelain doll because of her white skin. Her eyes looked very cute that day after having makeup applied on them. Her eyelashes were very curly, her eyes very round, and her lipstick was also pink and tender.

His sexy Adam's apple bobbed up and down.

He felt that his wife was very charming today.

How could she be so cute?

Sigrid saw that he did not speak and thought that he had no objections, so she quickly went to find a pair of safety pants.