Chapter 429 Strange Man

Candy only had very little hair at this time but she was already so cute. She would definitely be as cute as Tianna in the future! She will definitely be beautiful when she grows up! 

After Candy finished drinking the water, Rachel wiped her mouth. 

Sigrid looked at George doubtfully. "When I asked you to feed Oreo water the last time, didn't you say you didn't know how to do it?" 

George coughed a few times with embarrassment, closed his eyes, and pretended to rest. 

Sigrid was speechless. "Hmph! You obviously know how to do it but just pretended that you don't know how to do it! You care about your pride so much. You feel that you are being likened to a stay-at-home dad, so you refused to do it! In the future, you will be in charge of feeding the children with water!"

Sigrid felt that she had to teach him a lesson.