Chapter 872 You\'re Always Thinking About Shopping

As for Kevin, he had long been used to being in the first place, after so many years. His expression looked very calm, as he searched for Tianna's name.

He lowered his head and continued to move down the list...

Kevin finally saw Tianna's name in tenth place.

Tianna had been working very hard after she got transferred to her senior year, Grade 13. However, her results always floated in the middle of the list. This was an incredible breakthrough for her, entering the top ten.

"Ah! I'm in tenth place!" Tianna said, surprised.

Candy was two positions behind Tiana, which was also the best result she had ever gotten.

"Tianna, congratulations! You're in the top ten!" Candy said.

Tianna said, "You did pretty well too! Both of us will definitely get better results next time!"

"Yes, that's right!" Candy also cheered up.