Chapter 910 My Credit?

Tianna stroked Kevin's head with one hand, tilted her head, and touched his forehead gently. She whispered in his ear, "Hey, stop acting coquettishly. If you don't stand properly, how can I kiss you?"

Kevin was like a spring and bounced up suddenly. When he stood properly and looked like he was ready, Tianna couldn't help but laugh.

"Seriously, you..."

Kevin's eyes looked as if he was full of longing for Tianna. She was infected by her eyes and emotions, and unconsciously became nervous.

Kevin was a head taller than Tianna. Every time they kissed, she had to stand on her tiptoes.

Tianna held back her shyness and took the initiative to put her arm around Kevin's neck. She stood on tiptoes and kissed him without hesitation.

Therefore, it turned out that taking the initiative was also quite interesting.

Kevin felt at odds with himself. While enjoying the pleasure coming from Tianna's initiative, he also felt dissatisfied at the same time.