Chapter 920 Let\'s Sleep

Since they started dating, Kevin had become accustomed to finishing Tianna's food for her. He would finish everything she couldn't eat. Fortunately, the Japanese food was delicate and the calories weren't high. Otherwise, he would have to work out tonight.

After eating the Japanese food, the two of them held hands and walked around the hotel. This helped to digest the food, as well as satisfy Tianna's curiosity.

She couldn't stop praising this hotel. The scenery was vividly beautiful. Tianna felt like she was immersed in Japan. She didn't complain about being tired after walking for a long time.

"Tianna, Kevin, you are still walking around!" On the way, they met their classmate. He greeted them warmly.

Tianna was holding hands with Kevin. When she met someone she knew, she was a little embarrassed and wanted to let go of Kevin's hand. However, Kevin held her tightly and did not give her a chance to let go.

"Well, we've just finished eating. We're just hanging around."