Chapter 928 Don\'t You Feel A Little Touched?

When they opened the pantry door, they saw Kevin standing outside holding a cup. They were caught in an awkward situation.

"Vice president, are you here to get some water?"

"You can ask us to do such an unimportant thing. You don't have to do it yourself."

Both secretaries wished they could die on the spot. Kevin and Tianna looked at each other. 

"Is it true? What you just said?" Kevin asked coldly.

He wore a cold expression on his face. 

The two secretaries felt chills run down their spines. 

It turned out that Kevin had heard what they said. 

"Yes, yes..." The two secretaries were terrified. Their voices were shaking.


Kevin left the pantry. The remaining three girls looked at each other in dismay.

"Oh, no, what should we do? The vice president must be very angry. He had a black look on his face."