Chapter 2 Who Was Going to Help Her?

Was Tyler asking her to give birth to Mr. Zellweger's child for his sake? It was the most ridiculous thing Caroline had ever heard!

Tears trickled down Caroline's face, but the next moment, she burst into laughter. Bitter laughter!

"Did I hear you correctly? You're asking your wife to give birth to another man's child! You must be the most generous man in the world!"

Caroline continued, "But Tyler, have you ever considered my feelings? I'm a living, breathing human being, yet you gave me away like a gift! Where is your conscience?"

"Besides, you've been messing around with Loraine for a while now, haven't you?"

Her words were full of despair.

Regardless of Tyler's parents' objection, she still stood strong and married him, only to be treated like this!

Loraine suddenly interrupted and said, "Caroline, Tyler and I are truly in love. It really hasn't been easy for him all these years. Since you're already pregnant with Mr. Zellweger's child, why don't you just do Tyler this favor? We'll be grateful to you for the rest of our lives!"

Truly in love? As Caroline's sister, what right did Loraine have to spew such words in front of her, even to be in love with Tyler?

It had not been easy for him all these years? Growing up as the young master of the Long family, Tyler didn't have to worry about anything. How tough could it be?

If he thought this was tough, what about Caroline? How much had she suffered in order to marry him? How much effort had she put into her career to pave a way for herself?

Was she supposed to agree to their backstabbing and approve of their illegal relationship? 

If that was the case, how about her? What about her feelings? 

What about her marriage and happiness? Was no one going to care about her relationship with Tyler?

Trembling uncontrollably, Caroline held her aching belly in despair.

She then stumbled and walked away.

"Caroline, where are you going?" Tyler asked.

Caroline had no idea where she was going as well. All she knew was that she wanted to escape from this disgusting place!

In the blink of an eye, she had walked out of the bedroom. Tyler caught up with her and reached out to grab her. At that moment, Caroline felt so repulsed by his touch that she struggled to be free of his grip. 

All of a sudden, Tyler loosened his grip. Losing her balance, she rolled down from the top of the staircase.


Caroline cried out. She was sure that it would be the end of everything for her. She was going to lose her child, her marriage, and her dreams for a wonderful life. Everything would be smashed into pieces!

She didn't know whether to cry or laugh at this ludicrous marriage.

Just as Caroline had already prepared herself to bid farewell to everything in her life, she was caught by a pair of strong arms.

She was totally startled as she looked up and saw Eddison Zellweger!

What was he doing here?

He stood on the stairs and held her in his arms with a cold, stoic expression. The air in the villa seemed to freeze instantly upon his arrival.

Caroline shuddered.

Eddison suddenly looked down at her and their eyes met.

Looking into his eyes, Caroline thought, "His eyes are as sharp as an eagle's, and yet so devastatingly beautiful that one look is enough for a person to sink into them."

Tyler stared at Eddison blankly. It was because of Eddison's sudden appearance that he had let go of Caroline.

When Eddison's eyes swept over them, Tyler immediately felt like he had trouble catching his breath, as if he were being crushed by a mountain.

However, Eddison quickly looked away. When he spotted Caroline's tortured expression, he turned around and headed straight to the hospital with her in his arms.

Tyler remained stunned for a few seconds. After coming to his senses, he grabbed a coat and quickly followed them.