Chapter 4 First and Foremost, You\'re A Woman

Eddison strode into the ward, carrying some food he had gotten for Caroline. With a cold glance at the Long family, he said, "Did you say that you wanted to get rid of my child? Have you gotten my permission?"

Patrick quickly replied, "Mr. Zellweger, this woman is Tyler's wife. She seduced you and ruined our family's reputation. There's no way a woman like her can be a part of the Zellweger family, let alone keeping your child!"

Although Eddison was much younger than Patrick, Patrick was still intimidated by his powerful aura. Hence, he spoke cautiously.

Eddison sneered, "She seduced me? What does it have to do with you? Did she seduce you too?"

"Mr. Zellweger, we're doing this for your own good. Caroline is indeed Tyler's wife. How could she carry your child?" Anne chimed in anxiously.

However, Eddison chuckled and said, "Once she gets divorced, she won't be anybody's wife!"

Patrick and Anne looked at each other and felt like they were about to burst from rage!

"Mom, Dad, why don't you step out for a moment? Let me have a talk with Mr. Zellweger and Caroline," Tyler suggested. Looking at Eddison's attitude, Tyler knew that he had a shot and immediately pushed his parents out of the ward.

When only the three of them were left in the ward, Tyler said, "Mr. Zellweger, as long as Caroline agrees, I'll get a divorce with her immediately. Throughout the two months of our marriage, I have never touched her. I can assure you that you're her first man."

On the night of their wedding, Caroline had to attend to something urgent at work. Thus, they did not get to consummate their marriage. After she returned from her business trip, it was Tyler's turn to be elsewhere.

Furthermore, Tyler had already decided to gift her to Eddison. Before Eddison detested her, he wouldn't have dared to touch her!

Hence, Caroline's first time was completely given to Eddison.

Caroline clenched her fists, resisting the urge to tear Tyler into pieces.

With a glint of interest in his icy eyes, Eddison fixed his eyes on Tyler and Caroline. Then, he opened his mouth and said to Tyler, "Get out!"  

His voice was not loud, but it felt like a thunderclap, which had the power to make people obey his every word. 

However, Tyler still forced himself to say, "Mr. Zellweger, Caroline is pregnant with your child and I was trying my best to convince her to keep the child. I'm the biggest victim in this marriage, and I'm the one who's suffered the most loss, so..."

Eddison couldn't wait to dismiss him and said impatiently, "You'll be promoted to the position of general manager of Rephancy Entertainment."

"Thank you, Mr. Zellweger. I'll get the necessary documents for the divorce ready immediately," Tyler said.

Since his goal was achieved, Tyler left the ward hastily.

After putting the food down, Eddison walked toward Caroline.

Caroline looked into his eyes. There was a sense of hatred and stubbornness in her eyes and she said firmly, "I won't get a divorce!"

Caroline had only seen Eddison once on her wedding day. Apart from that, they had never crossed paths. However, her impression of him was that he had such a strong aura that it would take a lot of courage to say 'no' to him.

"Bang!" Eddison kicked away the stool that Tyler had sat on, seemingly in distaste. Then, he bent down and placed his arms on each side of Caroline's body. Looking into her eyes, he asked, "Why? Do you still have feelings for him? He was the one who got you into my bed."

Caroline sneered, "Tyler is a shameless sc*mbag, but you're no better than him. Otherwise, why would you even touch the wife of your subordinate?"

Eddison frowned slightly, deeply immersed in thoughts. After a moment, he said, "That night, you were too enthusiastic and proactive, and I... couldn't resist."

That night, the hotel room had been filled with laced perfume. When he noticed that something was wrong, he could no longer control himself. Moreover, he thought that she was doing it voluntarily.

 He spoke in a matter-of-fact way. However, to Caroline, it sounded brazen, which made her blush with embarrassment.

"I'm a married woman. Don't you feel disgusted to be treating me like this?" she questioned him.

Eddison replied, "Yes, it's true that you're married, but first and foremost, you're a woman."

"Shameless!" Caroline growled. Her thin frame was trembling with anger, and her lips were pale.