Chapter 102 Tears Kept Streaming Down

Even with the protection of the seat belt and the airbag, Eddison still saw stars after the crash. 

At first, all he could see was a blank, white space in front of him. After a while, he finally regained his vision and was able to figure out where he was at that moment. 

He wiped the side of his head and saw blood. He had hit his head hard on the car window when he had turned abruptly earlier.

Just another 200 meters away was the door to the city hospital.

The dog that had been in the middle of the road earlier was nowhere to be seen.

After going through the minor accident earlier, Eddison started the car once more and made his way to the hospital.

When he arrived at the main entrance, Henric and Quentin were already waiting there for him.

When Eddison got out of the car, Henric immediately took over and drove it into the hospital parking lot.

"Sir, Henric and I have just arrived two seconds ago. We haven't even checked if Madam Caroline is actually in the hospital or not."