Chapter 189 A Gentle Blade

"Hello, everyone. My name is Natalie Lewis. You can call me Natalie in the future. I am thrilled to be your colleague. As I am not very familiar with the domestic industry, I hope that you can help me with the transition in the future," Natalie spoke with a smile and a sweet voice.

The colleagues in front of her all applauded as a gesture to welcome her.

Seeing that no one had any dissatisfaction against Natalie, Calvin smiled with satisfaction.

"Miss Simons, Natalie will follow your instructions from now on. Although she is a newcomer to Neon, in terms of planning, she is very talented."

"I'm happy that Natalie is joining us. I will treat her equally. Mr. Lanes, the capable people will not be ignored," Caroline answered politely.

However, there was a hint of sadness in her heart. Obviously, Calvin did not put her, the director, in his eyes when he directly brought Natalie in.