Chapter 209 Trapping Caroline

Natalie's gaze fell on the cars. With something in mind, she suddenly narrowed her eyes.

"Why don't you go down and ask them if they're here for Caroline? If yes, then try stalling them and call me," Natalie said.

Karen nodded. "Sure, I'll go now."

Half a minute later, Karen arrived downstairs and ran into the crew who were holding fancy gift boxes.

The packaging was exquisite, and the brands were all well-known internationally. Ranging from cosmetics to shoes, they caught a great deal of attention upon their arrival.

Many people were already sticking their heads out to take a glimpse.

Karen stopped the one who was leading the group and asked, "Hi, I'm from the League Group. May I know what you are all doing here? Are you all here for Caroline Simons?"

"That's right. We are here to deliver gifts to Madam Caroline. Do you know where she is right now?" the man replied.