Chapter 214 Being Stared At

"Oh dear, Miss Simon, what are you thinking about? Why are you blushing so hard? Are you thinking about your husband's... performance last night?" someone said.

"We can all tell how blissful Miss Simons is by her reaction!" Another echoed.

They were all adult women, and it was perfectly normal for them to make dirty jokes especially when they already got off work. Moreover, Caroline was there to join them that evening and this made them more mischievous than usual.

Even if there were some men with them that evening, they didn't bother much.

Only a handful of girls would turn red at jokes like this.

Caroline didn't think of refuting at all. She knew the more she said to deny them, the more they would make fun of her. The wisest decision was to stay calm and not react to this.

Surely enough, after they made a round of jokes about her, Caroline still had no reaction. Eventually, they gave up and changed the topic.