Chapter 250 Like Sisters? Ridiculous!

Crying her eyes out, Rosie ran away.

The man took a deep breath and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Thank you very much for not exposing me just now." He turned around and thanked Caroline.

"Sir, you're so charming. No wonder a young lady like her would be pestering you like this," she said.

The man looked a bit familiar, but Caroline was certain she had never seen him before. She felt that he looked a bit familiar, yet she couldn't recall who he looked like.

"Charming?" The man smiled helplessly.

It seemed like he didn't want to continue with this topic, thus, he changed the subject. "Is the person you're waiting for here coming soon? Are you also here for dinner?"

"I'm waiting for my husband. He is parking the car and will be joining me soon. What about you? Are you really here to have dinner with your parents?" She asked.

"Well, my parents invited some guests over to have dinner here, so I'm here," the man responded.