Chapter 379 We are the Perfect Match

As usual, Eddison carried the baby on his lap during dinner, whereas Caroline sat across from them.

They looked harmonious as a family of three.

He was also aware that she and the baby would normally spend their leisure time at home.

Therefore, when dinner was almost over, he asked, "Honey, the weather is great tonight. Why don't we take our son for a walk downstairs later?"

Without giving her the chance to reject him, he continued, "It's not good for your health to be trapping yourself at home. The baby needs to go out too for fresh air. What do you think?"

She found that his argument was reasonable, thus she nodded. With that, he was delighted.

After dinner, he placed the baby in the stroller before heading downstairs.

Now that the weather was warm, there were plenty of residents in the community park. As there were both elderly and young couples, the atmosphere was harmonious.