Chapter 423

Eddison did not pay attention to Natalie, and even did not give her a look.

Natalie only felt that her chest was a little tight, but she still stood beside him obediently and said softly, "I don't know what's going on either. Everyone said that this matter was done by Miss Simons, but I'm actually not very clear about it. Eddison, please investigate it."

Caroline's eyes finally moved, sweeping between the two of them.

Last time at the birthday party of old Madeline, he didn't see Natalie take the initiative to talk to Eddison. Why did they look so familiar today?

Eddison's gaze never left Caroline. When he saw her looking over, he immediately gave her a "everything to me".

Caroline pursed his lips and glared at him. He had an expression that said, "As long as you don't have any overly intimate relationship with Natalie, I will be relieved."

Eddison's lips curled into a smile, and he finally saw that she was jealous of him again.