Chapter 451

Then they took out a map. Rafael told them his plan, from which province to which province he would go first. In the end, it would be clear that this plan covered the whole country.

Of course, when Taowu covered the whole country, he must have grown up and become mature. This required time and energy, and it couldn't be wrong to make a plan.

After making the decision to run in other provinces, Rafael drove off in the afternoon with a new jade-like salesman.

He kept two cute new salesmans in the company. These two people had no other jobs except getting familiar with the company's various businesses.

Since the company gradually got on the right track, Caroline and Song Qingfeng seldom went to school. Caroline rarely went to school, but Song Qingfeng sometimes insisted on going.

During this period of time, he had made great progress. At least when he was drawing, no one could see that he was a novice.

Everything was developing steadily.