Chapter 527

He got up too late in the morning, so when he went out, Caroline was in a hurry and did not have the chance to browse the web page.

It had been three minutes before she arrived at the company.

Pushing the door in, all the people in the company looked up at her.

Everyone's faces were filled with shock and disbelief.

Caroline subconsciously raised his hand to touch his face. He really wanted to ask them what was wrong.

However, in that instant, everyone looked away. Caroline only felt that this was strange.

After entering her office and taking a sip of water, she turned on the computer and her mobile phone.

As soon as the computer was turned on, a piece of news popped up from the lower right corner. When she saw the title, her body shook! Many things flashed through her mind, but it was a vast expanse of white.

"DuSuci seems to have a strong backer? Is he closely related to the Zellweger Group?"

This title directly invaded Su's field of view.