Chapter 622

He hugged her tightly, wiped away the tears on her face, and released her quickly. He got out of the car and came to her side, ready to let her sit in the co-pilot's seat.

"It's no use replacing me now. Don't think about taking responsibility for me. There are monitors all over the road. We can see clearly who drove the car."

Caroline's rationality returned. She grabbed Eddison's hand and said, "I'll go down with you to take a look."

Eddison pursed his lips and held her hand tightly. Her hand was very cold, and it could be seen what kind of heavy blow her heart had suffered.

He took her hand to get off the car and walked to the back of the car.

It was only three to five steps. After two steps, Eddison suddenly stopped and narrowed his eyes.

"What is it?" Su asked in confusion.

At this moment, a wind blew over. Caroline's body shivered, feeling incomparably cold. The entire street seemed to carry a gloomy and cold feeling.