Chapter 634

After Eddison went downstairs to pick up Caroline and go home for dinner, she went straight into the study. Even Yardley just kissed his little face.

Looking at her back, Eddison couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. After an hour, he finally entered with a glass of hot milk.

Hot milk seemed to be aат for Su every night.

When Eddison entered, he saw her concentrated on typing on the keyboard.

He gently put the milk aside, stood behind her, looked at the computer screen, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, making a business plan for the jade store Xiao Di gave her.

Eddison sat down on the sofa next to him. He waited for a while, but Caroline didn't notice him.

He clenched his right hand into a fist and placed it against his lips. He coughed twice before looking over.

"The milk is getting cold. You drink up the milk first and then continue to make your proposal." Eddison said.

Su subconsciously picked up the glass and took a sip before asking, "When did you come in?"