Chapter 694

Wang Yao stuck out his stomach. "I... I'm not feeling well too. Why don't you treat me to a meal too? I'm your classmate too. You can't be biased. Treat only Fang Simo."

Lu Lu raised his hand and hit his bulging belly. "You don't look like you're unwell at all! Why don't you eat with your brothers? I can't let you disturb Fang Simo's meal!"

Lu Lulu finished his sentence, turned around, grabbed Fang Simo's arm, and pulled him outside.

"Did Wang Yao bully you just now? Hum, they just like bullying the weak. If they bully you, you will bully them back. Don't back down. The more you back down, the more excessive he will be."

Fang Simo: "Oh."

"By the way, what would you like to eat later? The restaurants near the school are limited. We have classes in the afternoon, so we can't go to the city to eat. You have to make some food."

Lu Lulu did not realize that he was holding Fang Simo's arm intimately. Her other hand was still holding a lunchbox.