The Virus....

Chapter-6 characters

1. Barry

2. A.I.

3. Yorick

4. Drake

5. Siddesh (new character)

6. Arfa

7. Gnasher

Narrator: In previous chapter, we saw that Barry, Arfa, Drake rescued Troy whereas, Abigail & Astrid are still not found. Let's see what Barry is currently doing to rescue both.

Barry: (Tense) Oh my god!!! I can't believe kallunkas have fallen this much!! (Sees Abigail and Astrid locked in capsules, which contain solution of kalllunkas virus.)

(A few moments ago) 

Barry: (Running) Now where did this lab disappeared!? (On comms) A.I., have you completed the task? If so then, follow me ASAP! 

A.I.: Ok sir.

Soldier 9: (Sees Barry) My Liege, I have found him. (Points guns at Barry) Don't move!

Barry: (sees him) Oh dear, you made a terrible mistake by informing your head. Now I got nothing but to kill you.

(Soldier 9 starts shooting bullets at Barry, but all bullets disappears)

Soldier 9: WTH!! What just happened! You didn't got sho…. (Portal opens at his foot, went into the portal, portal closes)

Barry: ok now I can focus on searching the lab. Oh here it is. 


Barry: A.I. you done? Hurry and came here. I am opening a portal at your location to my location.

Gnasher: Control yourself, Bartholomew Carter aka Barry. Now surrender peacefully or else..

Barry: Chill out scum. You can do nothing to me, so shut your trap and give me the antidote. 

Gnasher: I know that I can't do anything to you but I can do as much harm as I want to with this girls. 

Barry: Don't you dare to even put a scratch on them. 

Gnasher: Don't be stressed. I will not to do anything but I can't guarantee of that virus. 

Barry: ( pulls sword) 

Gnasher: Who you are showing to! Did you forget that I have the barrier watch! 

Barry: You are as fool as ever. ( Portal opens below the feet of Gnasher, Gnasher fells into the portal) 

Barry: He thought he stood a chance against me. (laughs) BAKA. 

A.I.: sir I have found only two antidotes. 

Barry: ok. First examine me how much I am infected! 

A.I. : (scans Barry's body) Sir, the virus has infected you 35%. 

Machine: Kallunkas mutation reached 75%. 

Barry: (on comms) Yeah, this is Barry, tell me the situation there. 

Siddesh: Barry, the situation has worsened, you need to come here fast. Troy's…

To be continued...