My stomach was so full. I couldn't have another bite of that crunchy chicken. I started taking some small sips of a very rich looked expensive and tasted expensive. I look around to see everyone conversing amongst themselves leaving me to just stare and drink my wine silently. I was so bored. I expected the two boys to disturb me but Blake was glued to his phone while Enoch was talking to the beauty next to him. I glance again to the girl. She looked exactly like Blake from the green eyes, long beautiful raven hair and pale skin. She had on a velvet strapless dress that fitted her perfectly. Her makeup was also professionally done and she wore a violet lipstick bring out her perfect skin more.

She notices and glares at me rolling her eyes which makes to turn away wondering why she seems to hate me so much. I thought I could finally have a girl friend here but I guess that isn't happening. I stare at my drink...I just miss my home. At least there I felt like I belonged, I had friends and my mom. Oh how I've missed her. I definitely didn't fit in with this expensive people and place. It wasn't my scene.

"Hey are you okay?" I here Enoch's concerning voice and I lift my head to look at him. He was so gorgeous. He had some of his long hair tied up while others fell over his shoulder to his waist and some on his beautiful face. The black tuxedo he was wearing made him even more attractive than he already was.

"Yeah...I just miss my home." I say as I continue sipping my wine. He looks down as if thinking of something to say.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But you can get used to here."

"How? I clearly don't fit in here. This place doesn't feel like home to me." My voice starts to tremble as I could feel the hot tears wanting to flow but I stop them. Why do I have to be so emotional? He suddenly grabs my hand under the table and gives me a sweet smile making me to smile back.

"I'll help you." He says, "I'll always help you and I'll try my best to make this place feel like home."

God why is this man so charming and sweet. We keep gazing at each other that I couldn't here Mr Ashmedai call out to me.

"Lilith!" I jolt as I quickly turn to look at Mr Ashmedai who was all smiles. I look at everyone and I noticed that they were all staring at the two of us.


I look at Enoch who was now smiling as he gazed down.

"I see you two have already started mingling." Mr Ashmedai says as he looks at us both pleased. "Young love." He continues and the strange people nod there heads. " So, I wanted to say that it's been a great dinner and I love that we got to know each other. The elite have gotten a chance to meet our future queen and they are pleased as I am. So now everyone can be dismissed but Lilith meet me in my office after five minutes." He gets up and heads out of the dining room as the elite follow him behind.

That was intense. I say to myself as I finish the wine in my glass and turn to Blake who was now standing up taking the huge bottle of wine and drinking it directly from the bottle. Everyone looks at him disgustingly but I look at him amazed of how good looking he was. This time he wore a long silky black robe. He had loosely tied it as his whole torso was visible. Fuck! Those abs are so fine... and the tattoos....

"I can strip for you you know." His corky voice brings me back to reality and I find out it was me who he was directing the inappropriate response.

"Who said I want to see you naked?" I ask and he smirks.

"You drooling over my perfect body isn't a crime princess, you can touch it if you want."

Well I wasn't expecting that. But damn I'll definitely want to touch his perfect body. Fuck what is he doing to me. I look over to him and he winks at me as I roll my eyes.

"Nobody wants to see your naked body brother." Enoch says as he tightens his grip on my hand and I remember I didn't let it go.

"Whatever. I'll be in my room. Goodnight." Blake says as he leaves with the bottle of wine in hand.

I turn to look around seeing it's only me, Enoch and the girl whom I didn't know her name are left. She was busy on her phone and I turn to Enoch to find him staring at me.

"Ummm...why are you looking at me like that?" He smiles pushing me slowly towards the table now that we were standing. Until my ass feels the sides of the table and I halt staring into his mesmerising eyes and he stares back.

"You look so beautiful in that dress. From the over size dress you were wearing earlier I couldn't notice how curvy you are."

"Oh the dera. They made us wear them. But trust me, that isn't my style."

"What is your style then?" He asks and I could see his eyes shift from mine and then to my chest. Fuck! I forgot about the huge v gap exposing half of my breasts. But I didn't cover myself instead I sat myself on the table as I pulled him closer to me with his soft coat. He looks at me astonished by my sudden action and then grins. But his grin was dark and I could see his pupils becoming dilated. He places his strong grip on my waist making me to shiver in pleasure. He nears my neck and then whispers into my ear softly,

"What are you trying to do Brooke?" My cheeks and ears become hot at the way he said my name in that seductive tone. But our bliss get cut short when we hear the woman clearing her throat behind Enoch. Enoch releases me and I slowly get off the table as we both turn our attention towards her.

"I don't think I introduced you both." Enoch says and I look at her to find her glaring again. What's her problem? "Brooke meet Ivy. She's Blake's twin sister and I'm her half brother." Enoch continues and I smile waving at her which makes her more angry.

"Yeah I don't care who she is but we are going to be late." She starts pulling Enoch away from my side.

Rude much.

"It's fine if you have to leave. I still have to go see your dad." I say and Enoch nods his head and leaves with her. Ivy had his hand entwined between Enoch's and even though they were half siblings it was still weird. Or am I jealous?

Pfft don't be ridiculous Brooke! They are siblings... Enoch and Her could never happen.... right? So there's nothing to be jealous or worried about. But why do I care...I don't have feelings for Enoch...or do I?

"Your highness..." I jolt, turning around quickly as I clutch my chest.

"I'm sorry if I startled you but The King needs you in his office." A short, scrawny maid announces.

"The king?" I ask after getting a hold of myself.

"Yes. Mr Ashmedai." She says.

I didn't know he was a king. So that makes Enoch, Blake and Ivy princes and princess. But what he mentioned earlier about a future queen was very puzzling... what did he mean by that?

"Okay then. Lead the way."

I need some answers.