"ouch!" I yell loudly as he kept on piercing my thighs with his long nails. Blood was all over the bed sheets and his nail which he licked after every stab. I don't even remember how many times he stabbed me with his nail I never counted but all I remember was me screaming my lungs out as he kept on cheering I continue screaming as it amused him and turned him on. He was a sadist. He enjoyed hurting me and mocking saying that nobody will hear me nobody will save me not even Enoch!

I was crying so much that there wasn't any tear left to cry so I was pleading and screaming. But the louder I screamed the more he would continue to stab me on the same place. How was this pleasurable? Hurting someone else?

"Oh dear... it's pleasurable because of your turns me on so fucking much!" He says as he licks my thigh...the place he had stabbed. Licking all the blood. It was true about him reading my thoughts... so I tried as much not to think of anything but I failed everytime and he would always answer the questions I asked myself. He revealed everything and I didn't know what to think or say. They were all so unreal, like a fantasy novel or a movie... that's how fake it sounded but I knew he was telling the truth.

How they were all inhumanly attractive, the castle, the goat head, him having the power to paralyze me and teleporting also making himself was a lot... and I was getting every information through excruciating pain. It was so overwhelming. I felt as if I'll go insane it was too much to bare.

"I think you've gone through enough pain. Now it's time I treat you well." He comes on top of me, ripping off the silk red dress i had on leaving me with only the black lacey underwear i was wearing. This time I didn't even fight him...I was too tired to do anything so I just laid there, closed my eyes as my body fell in defeat. He kisses me again and this time I kissed him back. I was so horny and I just wanted it to end the hotness I felt all over my body. He starts kissing down my jaw towards my neck and sucks on my skin as I moan softly. He moves down to my chest, kissing it and grabs both my bosoms taking the left one into his mouth as he massaged the other one. Rubbing circularly on the nipple making me to moan loudly as he groaned on my boob.

From the way my legs were parted, he had placed himself in between me and his hard big crotch was touching with my throbbing insides. Knowing this,  he started moving his hips in circular motion. Rubbing my clit in the process as I bite my lip retraining my moans but he didn't like that. So he bites my nipple leaving me to let out a loud painful moan. I look over him seeing he made my nipple bleed and he grins evily towards me and licks the blood. It was so disgusting but at that point I was so embarrassed I was moaning and feeling good when he kissed, sucked or touched me. It was so wrong but I didn't have a choice. At this point I was begging him to take me... to stop the teasing and take my virginity away....I just wanted the throbbing, the dizziness and the hotness to end.

"Whatever the princess wants she gets." He says as he starts to remove my underwear. Slowly slipping it down my legs but he didn't get it all the way through as he got thrown off across the room by unknown force. I shoot my eyes open and I could feel the hairs on my back stand. There was definitely something inhuman in the room but I couldn't see anything as I searched all over.

Asmodeus stands up chuckling as he stares at something beside the bed. I follow his gaze but I don't see anything but I could feel a demonic presence near me.

"Ahhhh... you've decided to join the party." Says smiling. " We can have her together you know. And her being your daughter... You know the power, the energy she carries. It's enough for the both of us. Let's just suck her..." He gets cut short as he's choked on the neck his body in the air dangling erratically. The room was silent as his chocking sounds was the only thing that could be heard. I feel my restraints loosen and I look to find I was freed. I get out of bed but collapse immediately. I was so weak and the wound on my thigh wasn't helping. I feel a blanket being wrapped over me and I turn back to see red piercing eyes staring back at me.

I gasp but instantly place a hand over my mouth as I stare wide shocked. I crawl over the floor... trying my best to reach for the door...

Someone help.... somebody.... anyone

I kept saying but my voice came out like a whisper. I hear Asmodeus chuckling again... despite him being held tightly at the neck. Looking over him, he looked deranged and his gaze was so dark and inhumane. Even at death point he was still mocking me. What did I ever do to him for him to do all this evils?

"You didn't do anything princess... it's just that your natural scent drives me crazy. And your curvy body, big breasts and your innocent beautiful reminds me of your mother when she was young. You two look exactly a like...but she's still the most beautiful woman I've met and she still tastes so good just like she did before when I forcefully drained her of her...." A loud snap is heard as I stare in horror at his decapitated head on my leg while his neck sprays blood all over the whole room and my body.

His body falls on the floor with a loud thud and I stare at it for while still shaken. I look over again to the eyes to find it already gone.

I can't feel him. He's gone.

I say to myself as I gaze on last time towards Asmodeus head. His eyes were widened but his lips were curved into a smile. I imagined his head still laughing and mocking me but my thoughts gets interrupted by Enoch's concerning voice. As I succumb into the darkness I was already starting to get used to.