I stood in his presence. It was still uneasy and spooky but I tried to compose myself. He knew I was scared, terrified and helpless. His grin and intimidating dominance told it all. He himself said he had no problem with hurting me. My mother's so called love for me was the only thing protecting me from him. I never knew the devil would fall in love with someone who isn't him. In all the religious texts his depicted as the malevolent, selfish and narcissistic being. I believed it. Hell I believed in everything I read on those texts. Angels and demons. Ofc they exist who would doubt that. But it also means that even the supreme exists.

"Yes he does." He answers with a serious expression on his face as his eyes shift to red and the to blue. So no mentioning the all mighty in his presence.

"How do I prevent you from reading my thoughts?" He smiles making me wonder what was so funny.

"You my dear." He walks closer. Slowly and majestically. I see why my mom would fall for him. He was ethereal in everything he did.

"Awakening the demon in you is the only way it'll stop the other supernatural beings from reading your precious thoughts but it can't stop me." He brings his face closer. His lips an inch from mine. With this proximity, I could clearly smell his scent. Spicy musky and intense. It was taking a toll on me. "Lilith will protect you, make you powerful." He draws back finally giving me space to breathe.

"Who's Lilith?" I ask. Reminiscing about the Ashmedai family refering me to that name.

"She's your demon. Every cambion has a one."

"Do you have one?" I ask trying to catch up and understand.

A loud chuckle escapes his mouth. Echoing in the dark abyss.

"Do I?" He asks as he continues to laugh. "Oh my dear child I'm not a cambion like you. I wasn't born I was made from smokeless fire. I'm the only one of my kind. Don't you read the bible?" He asks a smile still lingering on his face.

"That's ironic. The devil asking me if I read the bible." I scoff. At this point I think he saw me as a dumb beauty. Which I was not.

"Call me Lucifer. Since you're my daughter and all. And also I don't think you're a dumb beauty. I just think you're knowledgeable with other stuff that's not demon related." He sighs. "That's why I'm here to explain and also to help you awaken your demon. It's going to take months, or even years but it depends on your speed." He smiles as I stare at him in horror the reality of me being stuck with him for years sending a shiver down my spine. "The Ashmedai brothers will really miss you." I turn towards him as we continue to walk an endless path. His arm on my shoulder.

"What makes you think that?" I ask still looking at him.

"I can see they're both attracted to you. One is attracted to your beauty while the other is attracted to your soul because he's your mate."

"So which one is the mate?" I ask again still maintaining eye contact. He turn towards me the signature smile of his.

"I'm not telling you that. I don't wanna spoil the fun. But you'll figure it out. I know you will."

We reach a very beautiful vast landscape. Filled with flowers, trees, very green grass,a beautiful clear stream and blue skies. I stare the place in awe and admiration.

"Where are we?" I say breathlessly

"Somewhere peaceful and quiet to help you with your concentration." He says as he sits down on the grass his legs folded. I do the same as I sit across him. The sun illuminating his pale skin was so magical. I don't think I would be able to concentrate with him looking like that.

"Okay, I think I'll start by explaining what a cambion is." He clears his throat as if his deep husky voice wasn't perfect enough for me to hear.

"A cambion is a breed between a human and a demon. They're types. A higher clas cambion is a breed between a demon king and a human or me and a human. The there's the middle class cambion this is a breed between a demon prince and a human. A lower class cambion is a breed between a low level demon and a human."

"So I'm a higher class cambion."

"Yes. Which makes you very powerful. More powerful than the other higher class cambion. The likes of Blake and Ivy Ashmedai."

"They are cambions!? I thought they were pure breed demons."

"Enoch Ashmedai is the only pure breed demon. His half siblings are cambions. Their mother was a human."

That's interesting and shocking at the same time. Asmodeus never told me that.

"Now, time to awaken Lilith." He says excitement in his tone. He was too excited to meet this Lilith which made me very suspicious. But he's the devil ofc he can't be trusted.

"There's something I still wanna know."

"Anything my dear child." He smiles. I was already getting used to his smug face.

"I want to know why every ten years virgin girls are taken from my hometown and brought to the Ashmedais'?"

"That question isn't for me. I'm not involved in that. Ask your mother she has the answer to it." He shrugs.

"I thought you being the devil and the king of hell controls everything."

"It doesn't work like that. I'm the most powerful being in the underworld but It doesn't mean that I control everything or every demon. There are demon kings for that work. I just sit around and do my own things." He says as he softly lies on the grass. "Is there any other question?" He asks impatiently.

"Yes. Asmodeus mentioned something about some energy I carried when he was...umm torturing me." I starter the memory of that night still haunting me like a nightmare. Lucifer slowly gets up into a sitting position and stares at me for what seemed like eternity.

He sighs, "this question was also not for me but I'll answer it. It doesn't mean that I care for you or I pity you."

So egotistical.

"Lust demons feed off energy it's like their energy drink. Girls from your village are the only species that have it. But some have more and some less. Your mother comes from a bloodline that carries more so you inherited it. The demon blood in your veins intensify it and makes it powerful. Any lust demon who gets even a pinch will have immense power. But they'll only have it if you give them willingly. That's why Asmodeus drugged you with his saliva. He knew you'd give it to him in that euphoric state. Normally, his saliva shouldn't be able to affect you if you yourself don't want it to. But since that time you were in your human self it was hard for you to control it." He pauses as he stares at my blank expression. "If you had Lilith, you would've been able to protect yourself. But I guess things happen for a reason." He chuckles softly.

He suddenly holds both my hands as I feel some surge of energy entering into my body. I quickly look up at him. "Let's bring Lilith back." He says as I feel myself going unconscious. My body falling slowly onto the grass.