Allen meets Lilian.

Aiden turned to face Ryan, who nodded in confirmation. It was up to him to reveal that the person Allen wished to meet was the mother of his daughter.

"Is Lilian the friend you've been talking about?" Aiden inquired, to which Ryan replied affirmatively.

As it turned out, Lilian was the woman with whom Allen had a brief encounter. Aiden's brother had never been the same since that fateful night with her. He had been consumed with worry, desperately trying to locate her. Eventually, he sought the help of their parents, who counseled him and urged him to let go.

If their paths were meant to cross once more, they would. However, if not, he shouldn't anguish over a woman who may have moved on with her life.

"Lilian went through a lot of suffering after that night with you, Allen. When she discovered she was pregnant, it felt as though the ground should open up so she could disappear into it forever," Ryan revealed.