Allen, please...

Allen was waiting to see if she would come in. As soon as Lilian opened the door to peek inside, he suddenly grabbed her wrist firmly with a deep chuckle.

He pulled her under the shower, and despite her struggles to break free, he turned on the water, soaking her in the process.

"Allen, you're such a jerk," Lilian exclaimed, but soon she found herself laughing too. Allen, already finished with his shower and wrapped in a towel, looked amused.

With her clothes drenched, Lilian had no choice but to stay under the shower. "You might as well take a good bath since you just got out of the hospital," Allen teased as he began to walk away.

"Who asked for your help?" Lilian shot back, spluttering water. She wiped her face and glared at Allen's retreating figure.

"I'm just being nice, and you don't even appreciate it?" he called back as he exited the room. He dried his hair with a towel.