Keep the baby, Katie

Katie felt confused. Allen's girlfriend? If she wasn't mistaken, the Allen in question was Allen Rowan, the CEO of Mxcel and Aiden's older brother.

She started to feel a bit calmer and allowed Lilian to hold her hands. Her doubts about Lilian being Aiden's girlfriend began to fade.

"You mean Allen?" Katie asked for clarification. Lilian nodded, and Katie noticed the surprise on her face; it was clear that she hadn't expected Lilian to be involved with Allen.

"Aiden is a friend too. He told us about you," Lilian said, pausing to release Katie's hands and take a quick sip of her wine.

"Yeah. He informed you that I'm pregnant, right?" Katie asked.

She understood that Lilian's visit must have been prompted by the news of her pregnancy.