Hidden secrets

The house could best be described as modest in size. The sitting room was barely spacious enough to accommodate three cushioned seats, and the furniture had an unmistakably old-fashioned charm to it.

As Ryan settled into the space, he couldn't help but reflect on the financial circumstances of the house's owner. In a matter of moments, he had formed a rough estimate of the woman's worth. Aside from her contact information, Cecily had provided him with little else regarding the woman or her identity.

Before long, a woman emerged from a door adjacent to the narrow dining room. Ryan stood up instinctively to greet her with a handshake.

At first glance, she appeared to be in her early fifties—a tall, striking figure with a graceful demeanor. Her complexion was lighter than his own, and she had a round face adorned with slightly prominent eyes that sparkled with warmth.

Upon noticing Ryan, she welcomed him with a smile that radiated kindness.