Chaoter 9: No Turning Back

I was contemplating and wondering, continuing my journey in this timeline will cause so much chaos.

I guess I already stepped on the boundary of the scientist, what I have done is done, there's no turning back.

*Riiiiing Riiiiing*

Suddenly, my phone started ringing, who is it this time?

As I grabbed my phone, I saw two messages, one from Maia and one from Glady.

I guess I'll step aside my agenda with Maia for now, it seems like my agenda with Glady and Professor Reginald is much more important.

As usual, we three are meeting in the cafe near Glady's school, it is our meeting place.

As soon as I arrived, I already saw the two of them, talking.

"So? What's the fuss all about?" I asked the both of them.

The two of them looked at each other very seriously.

"We found Luke's location in this timeline" Glady said.

"You already found it? You guys sure work really fast, I never knew that you are good at this" I said.

"So, what's our plan?" Professor Reginald said.

"I've been contemplating for a while, but I got a question for the both of you" I said.

"What is it?" they both asked.

"How do you determine what's right and wrong?" I asked.

"It is oretty obvious. There's no universal right, but what we consider right is always changing, it always depends on the circumstances.

But I guess we determine what's right and wrong if we are basing it on common good" Professor Reginald said.

"So if it is good for the many, you'll consider it right? And if it is not, then it is wrong?" I said.

"Exactly, that's how the society determine what's right and wrong" he explained.

"I've been planning to kill the Luke in this timeline" I said.

Both of them looked shocked. I guess they never expected me to say those words.

"But why? Do you have any plausible reason why you need to kill him? Aren't you going a bit overboard?" Glady asked.

"I wonder how things got into this, our lives are possibily in danger, and also the lives of our love ones and families.

If we're going to turn back time and contemplate, the main reason why this is happening is because of Luke.

He's the one who sabotaged us, he's after the time machine right from the start.

If we can eliminate him at this time, maybe the timeline will start to ease up" I said.

"Can't we take our time and think rationally? Maybe there are other ways to fix the timelines" Professor Reginald said.

"You're being too soft Professor, can't you see that they are only using us to create dominance? They've been planning to make us work for a functionable time machine so that they can turn things around, specially in the past.

They want the time machine to dominate all of the countries in the world, they are seeking for absolute power through us" I said.

I'm a bit pissed, since I honestly don't want to be used by them, specially in their sketchy ploy.

I don't want to be a tool that is used for human olbliteration.

"But you're going to kill an innocent people, technically the Luke here is still not committing any havoc or problems.

He's still innocent" Professor Reginald said.

"Okay, you're absolutely right, he hasn't done anything until now, I'm going to stay calm and think of something" I said.

"Good thinking" Professor Reginald said.

"I'm really sorry for being immoral earlier, I'll think through this and I'll make sure to conduct a rational plan" I said to Professor Reginald.

"No worries young one"

"For the mean time, keep an eye on Luke" I said.

"Copy that" said by Glady.

After that conversation, we decided to leave the cafe.

We all agreed to meet when a serious problem occured.

Same time and same place.

As I was going to my car, I have thought of checking my phone.

I wonder if Maia is calling me again right now, just like the last time.

As usual, she does have dozens of messages right now.

"What seems to be the problem now?" I asked myself.

As I scroll down to her messages, I was deeply in shock.

"Amiel? Where are you? Someone's following me right now, can you come and see me?" she said.

"Hey, dear. I'm really scared, please come and see me"



These are her last words.

I tried calling her, but it seems like she's out of reach.

Now, I wonder what really happened.

I opened the location of my phone, trying to find her specific location in the maps.

I'm really so glad that she turned on the location of her phone.

I now have her location.

"I'm on my way, please wait for me, try to trick the guy who's following you, don't go in places where there is no crowd or people" I texted her.

I drove really fast to her location, I'm really worried that something might happened to her.

I would not forgive myself if something happened to her.

As I reached her location, I saw multiple people panicking, there are also ambulances and police officers.

"What the hell happened here?" I muttered to myself while running.

As I tried to push myself in the crowd, I saw a girl on the ground, covered in her own blood.

It was Maia.

"What the hell happened here?!" I shouted while trying to reach Maia's body.

The police officers tried to stop me.

I grabbed the police officer in his wrist, pulled him down and then pinned him in the ground.

"Fuck off, you piece of preposterous shit, don't even try to stop me" I said.

The people started to panick.

The police officer tried to approach me alsom

"Maia!!" I shouted.

"Get out of here, you're not allowed to enter here" said by the other police officer.

"I'm her boyfriend, I'm allowed to be here, get off of me!" I said.

I was covered in her blood.

She was shot in the head and also in other parts of her body.

She was brutally killed.

I never noticed but the tears suddenly fall down from my eyes. I was filled to deep anger and sadness.

The police officer managed to get a hold of me, pinned me down on the ground.

"Sir, please calm down, your anger will do nothing" he said.

But I can't help it.

My tears cannot be stopped, I'm really down right now.

"Maia! Please wake up!" I said.

"I'm really sorry, I should have come sooner" I whispered.

For the second time, I have witness the death of my lover, the only person that I've been planning to save this whole time.

Who could have done this?


All of the sudden, my phone rang.


It was a message.

Coming through Maia's phone.

"An eye for an eye motherfucker"

I see, so it was the people from the future.

I'm definitely full with anger right now.

The first time that she died, it was completely and utterly my mistake, the second time was no different.

Now all of you have done it, I see, an all out war it is.

An eye for an eye.

You'll regret killing her, I will shatter every piece of your bones.

Brace yourselves, I'll fight for I know what's right.

"Professor Reginald? Glady? They've done it. I'm going to kill Luke myself"

"What happe-"

This will be a complete chaos.

All of you will pay hundred folds.

I swear on a fucking stone.