Chapter 13: The Unexpected

It's another day, another day to go to school.

I've been trying to stay away from Maia these past few days, but she kept on bugging me time after time.

I got to school really early, that's only because my mother also keeps on waking me up so early in the morning and it is really annoying.

I stayed most of the time in the library, contemplating about what needs to be modified in the system of the time machine.

Actually, I have an idea on how we can make the time machine go to the desired time of the traveller, but the problem is that there are no such technology in this timeline that can support it, I need to find another way.

"You're still too early today, it seems like you are now fond of this place" said by Maia while she sat beside me.

"There are a lot of place in this library and uet you still choose to sat beside me. Your voice is really annoying though" I said.

"Is my voice the only issue that you have?" she asked again.

I just looked at her and completely ignored her.

"Oh, just like you have told me so, I'll jist shut my mouth up" said by her while doing a demo that she is zipping her mouth.

I honestly love the fact that she stays with me most of the time, but I need to be cautious, one wrong move and she'll be in danger again.

Honestly, I almost lost my mind the first time that I saw her died.

I couldn't sleep for days and I couldn't even eat properly.

There's no time where I can't think of her.

I almost killed myself just for that accident.

The second time that I saw her died, the pain in my chest is unbearable, it is so painful to watch her get soaked in her own blood, I don't want to see it ever again.

"Why do you keep bugging me, what the hell is your problem?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just want to become friends with you, is there something wrong about that?" she replied.

"Why me? There are a lot of people back in our classroom, go there and find one. You'll surely make a lot of friends over there" I replied.

"But it is futile, 'cause they are not you" she replied again.

"Back to my first question, why me?" I asked again.

"You're the most interesting person in that room, I can see it in a single glance. The first time we saw each other was in the first day of school. I saw you sleeping, I woke you up and then it looked like you saw a dead person in your reaction. Ever since that day, I was so goddamn baffled and intrigued.

It is our first time seeing each other at that time, I wonder what I did wrong to make you react like that" she replied.

Did I really reacted like that? I never thought that I looked like that. That was pretty embarassing. But who can blame me? Just a few days before that I was mourning at her funeral.

"Back then my dream is just scary, so I tend to panic a bit when you woke me up, common reaction for every people" I replied.

"That's why you got the sad look on your face and even whispered my name?" she asked again.

What the hell? Did that even happened? I can't even recall it.

"What are you saying? That never happened. I can't even remember your name. Macey? Maira?" I said.

"Gotcha, I was just messing with you. Haha. You look guilty" she said.

Darn it. I'm getting played by her.

If I let my guard down I'm pretty sure that it won't take much time for me to get too soft on her and put her in danger again.

"I like you and I'm so darn serious" she said.

"What the hell? That was blunt" I replied.

"Sorry if it was in all of a sudden, but I do really like you" she added.

"Am I not your type?" she asked.

"You are, you are gorgeous indeed. But why did you even like me? I mean, I don't even have likeable traits" I said.

"I like you because you are you" she said.

"That sounds preposterous, you don't rven know me that well" I said.

"I know this might sound really preposterous, but I know everything about you, I know every single thing about you" she said.

"How is that even possible?" I asked.

I was really confused on what's happening, she's never like this before.

"Would you believe me if I told you that I'm from the future?" she asked.

"Haha, stop with your nonesense, it won't work on me. You've been trying to play with me from the start" I said.

What is this? Is she trying to play with me?

If that's only a joke then I think she should stop this already.

If this is only a pure coincidence, then coincidence can be kind of freaky.

"It was the truth. I'm dead serious" she said.

"I'm totally confused, please explain everything" I said.

"I don't know if you're going to believe me, but I'd be willing to prove everything that I will tell you" she replied.

"It feels like it was just yesterday when we are still together, not in this timeline of course, but in a timeline from a few months from now.

While I was walking, someone's following me and stabbed me and shot me multiple times. I thought that it was my end but then when I woke up, I realized that I was in the wrong timeline.

I guess I time travelled here.

I know it sounds so unreal, but knowing you, I know that you believe on such things, just like what you've said in our field trip, when we were talking in the river together" she said.

I was really shocked.

What the hell is happening?

As things gets worse, it also becomes actually confusing.

What are the odds that Maia would be able to time travel?

Was it because I have altered the timeline that much?

I'm not really certain on what's happening.

But if what she's saying is true, I guess I need to be honest with her also.

If the UN will find out about her, she's going to be eliminated by them.

I need to change my plans and fix this.

"Do you believe me?" she asked.

"Of course I do, and I always will, my dear, Maia" I muttered these words to her and then gave her a smile.

"Wha-a-a-t?" she shockingly asked.

"Don't tell me you're also from that timeline?" she added.

"Yes, indeed. I don't know what's happening, I don't know how you got in this timeline, but someone's after me. Those people who killed you are actually after me, they've used you to get back at me" I said.

"I've been trying to save you ever since" I said.

"I'm originally from many years from now, 27 to be exact" I added.

"I'm speechless" she said.

"So all these years, you've been suffering? Trying to save me?" she said.

"Indeed" I replied.

"I'll fix this timeline, I swear" I added.

"And I'll help you do that" she said.

"I love you, to the fullest, AA"

"I know"