Chapter 15: The Plan

"Now that we are all present here, let's conduct a plan.

What are out plausible options?" Professor Reginald asked.

"Currently, we are not haunted by the people of the UN, due to the fact that they are not aware that Dr. Reece is able to stole a time machine.

It is safe to say that we are still safe for a couple of months. They are not aware that our consciousness are able to travel back in the past again.

If we tend to continue going in this timeline, we still have time until we got haunted by the UN. The remaining time that we have is still adequate" I said.

"I agree with you. For now, the UN think that they have already disposed us, we might be able to use the remaining time to adjust and modify the machine" Dr. Reece said.

"But is it theoretically possible?" Glady asked.

"Of course it is, the first time machine's design is thought to be able to take us back to the time physically, not just consciously" Dr. Reece added.

"But I have a speculation" said by Professor Reginald.

"What is it?" I replied.

"The people from the UN tried to bring you back right?

And Dr. Reece stated beforr that Amiel is in comma before they got disposed by the UN, right?" Professor Reginald confirmed.

"So what are you pointing out, Regie?" Dr. Reece asked.

"Maybe we are only able to time travel consciously because Amiel's physically body did not make it, that's why he's in a comma, because his consciousness already time travelled while his body failed to do so.

On the other hand, Luke and his team is able to time travel physically because they are still well in that timeline.

While the 4 of us is on a verge of death or probably dead in the original timeline, thus, it is the reason why we only time travelled back in time through our consciousness" explained by Professor Reginald.

"So you're saying that the only reason why our consciousness is the only thing that travelled back in time is the fact that our body is no longer available?" I said.

"You are technically correct. That's the only reason why we are all here, because we no longer exist in our original timeline" Professor Reginald stated.

"If that's the case, we still got a chance of fixing this timeline.

If we fail, we can try again, as long as we travel back in time through our consciousness. The only flaw is if they are going to hide our bodies, but as long as there is someone who can travel back in time and inform us, we'll be alright.

If we are able to create a time machine that can freely go back in any time, we can possibly fix the timeline, we can prevent the foundation of UN and if things have gotten worse, we must be able to eliminate it" I said.

"But isn't it unethical? That we kill them before the even commited a sin?" Glady asked.

"If we are aware that they are going to commit a crime and we just let them be, wasn't it much worse than commiting the crime itself?" said by Dr. Reece.

"There's no universal truth. We only determine what's right and wrong through common good. If a thing is beneficial for the majority, the society will consider it right" I said.

"But who cares about being right or wrong? It is our lives that's on the line. I don't care if I am wrong, as long as all of you are safe" Dr. Reece added.

"I agree. I only came here in the past to take the blueprint of the time machine and to save Maia.

As long as you are all safe, my parents are safe, and Maia's safe, it is fine with me, no matter how unethical is my actions" I said.

"How about the others? What are your say in this?" Dr. Reece said.

"I'll go with you guys" Glady said.

"Seems like I've got no choice, I'll also go with you guys, I won't leave you all behind" Professor Reginald stated.

"How about the two of you? Maia? Aurea?" I asked.

"I'm very intrigued in the concept of the time machine, as long as I have the opportunity to create one then I wouldn't mind it.

An opportunity like this is actually hard to turn down.

It's once in a blue moon" Aurea said.

"How about you, Maia?" Dr. Reece said.

"Acutally I'm still trying to get the gist of everything, but it seems like Amiel have used most of his time just to save me, I will feel bad if I might not be able to reciprocate his efforts" she replied.

"So all of us agreed on this?" Professor Reginald said.

"Yes" all of us muttered.

After that, we created a highly organized plan.

For the couple months, we will try to gather funds in order to provide the necessary materials for the time machine.

In this time, Dr. Reece is the only one with tons of good connection, he also has other projects that has huge fund gatherings.

We are also trying to gather funds through some other ways. We are just some highschoolers at this time, we won't be able to do much.

Dr. Reece is a very huge help specially in this timeline.

He also provided us with a place to stay for the mean time, so that our operation wouldn't sound very suspicious.

"How long do you think it is to accomplish the time machine?" I asked Aurea.

"Base from our progress, it might be a little while from now, we are really slow" she replied.

"Do you think you can pull this off? Isn't it arduous?" I asked.

"I'm not going to take this project if I'm not that confident that I can make it" she replied.

"By the way, I have heard a lot of things about you, my father said that you're a very special and talented person.

Especially now, now that you have created a theory in regards to the time machine that can freely travel in any timeline.

Do you think you'll be able to handle the consequences of your actions?" she asked.

"Actually I'm not sure. I have seen my loved ones died right in front of my eyes.

I also commited a murder back then, I killed a very innocent people, he's Luke, at that time, he's just still a normal member of the UN, nothig much.

I almost lost my mind, but sometimes I think that this is the path that I have taken, there's nb turning back.

I'm afraid that as a scientist, I have created a dilemma of no return" I said.

"Then promise me that you'll be able to fix thr timeline.

My father said that the people from the UN killed my mom, and also me, but I have no recollection of that scenario, I'm not originally from that timeline.

But the look on my dads face is surreal.

I trust you, just like how my father trust you, fix this timeline for me, for all of us" she said.

"This is noted. I will, and I will always will" I said.

Such a big words from a nobody like me.

I need to embrace myself, the real problem is just about to come.