Interrupted record 4

Tian Yinzhen on the side was aroused by this inconspicuous iron plate. He squinted and looked down for Article 97: "Article 97, if there is any violation of Articles 1, 4 and 28, If the situation arises, the current student union is requested to launch a school-wide demonstration or strike after emergency consultation. If the situation is serious or the school insists on not complying, please convene the president and vice president of the student union for more than ten years to hold an emergency meeting and issue it in the name of all previous student unions of the school. General mobilization order, use all legal means of protest throughout society, including exposing it to the media and filing lawsuits in courts..." He Jianfei grabbed Tian Yinzhen and said: "Don't read it, it's important to find out the truth. You have to see what I have Just take the printed copy back and read it."


"Is there any sex?" After entering the door, before he had time to look around, a deep and trembling voice startled Tian Yinzhen. On the side of the door, beside a low and uneven old table, was a bald old man. He was panting with two rows of sparse yellow teeth exposed, and his small eyes were almost reduced to thin lines due to the age spots. He Jianfei hurriedly presented the special approval slip and his student ID card. The old man took the special approval slip and looked at it over and over again, as if it was a fake. After a while, he raised his head and glanced at He Jianfei and said, "What are you going to see?" He Jianfei smiled and said, "The management regulations don't say that students should go in. You need to explain the reason." The old man bared his teeth and said, "I'm just curious. Few people are interested in these yellowed files now, not to mention that the two of you found files from more than fifty years ago. .You guys go in."


Tian Yinzhen pulled He Jianfei aside and whispered: "Your student union does weird things. You don't put up a sign to say it, but you also invited such an old guy to come and interrogate you. It makes this place look like a government office." At this point, Wang looked at the government office. He glanced at the sly old man and couldn't help but smile. He Jianfei whispered: "Don't talk nonsense. This old man has been the caretaker here from the beginning. He is always old and very loyal. People in the school are afraid of him." The two of them talked in a low voice and came to a place. In front of a large pile of dusty file bags. He Jianfei stepped forward and carefully blew off the ash on the bag of noodles, looked at the time on the bag of noodles, and said to Tian Yinzhen: "Zhang Qingfang should not lie to us. Since she said that the Wrongful Ghost Road originated in 1949, we will start investigating from the files in 1949." Get up." Tian Yinzhen said with a smile: "Okay, you check for 49 years, and I will check for 50 years." The archives room became quiet again, and the only thing that could be heard was the rapid flipping of thick and hard papers. sound.


He Jianfei felt something was wrong when he opened the first page of the 1949 file. Although he had never been in the student union, he also knew that "reporting worries first and then reporting good news" was a rule passed down from the beginning. He was very strict in the early stage of the file, but when it came to Later on, it became a bit awkward. Not only was the song and dance going smoothly, but even the words became more precise, and the official tone became stronger and stronger, as if trying to cover up something. As a taboo record of the student union, it has always been strictly prohibited by the student union. Why was it allowed to go unimpeded in 1949? He Jianfei became more and more convinced that something unusual must have happened in 1949, perhaps a shocking mystery that directly led to the unjust ghost. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but double the speed of turning the pages. "Ah!" He Jianfei exclaimed, completely breaking the silence that had lasted for about an hour. The answer was clearly revealed on the white paper in front of him.


Tian Yinzhen was looking boringly at the other end of the cabinet when she heard He Jianfei exclaim and knew something was wrong. He rushed forward and asked, "What did you find?" He Jianfei turned it over to her, and it turned out to be a related incident. The work arrangements for the campus art festival were suddenly interrupted, and a blank piece of paper was inserted, with an unsigned four-character poem on it:


The dancing cherry blossoms, the road grass barrier,


The top of the pagoda is folded, which is unavoidable.


Love for Christ, have mercy on me in this life,


Luoshen West Lake, King Xiang is deeply in love.


Tian Yinzhen said inexplicably: "What does this mean? Not only does it not rhyme, but the sentences are also very unreasonable." He Jianfei shook his head and said: "It is probably a riddle. Don't you worry about solving the riddle for now? Don't you think this poem is strange? I looked at the string line, and it seemed that it was inserted later, and the recording was deliberately interrupted. In other words, the person who put this blank paper seemed to be trying to attract our attention. Now things are difficult to understand." As he said, Sighed. Tian Yinzhen glanced at him strangely and said, "What's so difficult to solve? Since someone left the clues, I should be happy. Even if..." He Jianfei suddenly pointed at the wall. Tian Yinzhen looked up and saw that there was something hanging on it. A plaque reads "Students Union Archives."
