Poetry Riddle 1

When Old Man Li finished speaking, He Jianfei was stunned and speechless for a long time. Things were far more serious than he thought. The suicide of a girl led to the suicide of twenty-three students in a class, which was simply unheard of. There must be a major and secret inside story.


According to what Mr. Li said, Aqiang was holding three small stones when he died. Although he did not see the direction in which they were arranged, since Mr. Li said that Aqiang was a man who understood magic, it is certain that he used the Three Flowers Protection. The art of body. Three-flower body protection is a very high-level self-defense technique in the magic world. It uses the essence of nature to integrate one's soul with all things in the world, thereby achieving temporary immortality and escaping attacks from the outside world. To perform the three-flower body protection technique, one must not only achieve a high degree of cultivation in internal and external forces, but also must have a certain understanding and attainment of the unity of all things in nature. Even He Jianfei didn't know how to use this kind of skillful self-protection technique, and he still got poisoned when he used it. It seemed that the opponent's strength was... not good, not good. It seemed like he might have to go back to the mountain to ask his senior brother for help.


He Jianfei asked Old Man Li: "That so-called strange record, does it record some discontinuous dates and weird events surrounding 'it'?"


Old Man Li nodded and said, "Yes. Although Aqiang told me to put it in the archives, I think if I put it all up, if the school discovers it later, not only will the data be lost, but also such information will be strictly prohibited, so I destroyed the will, put only the strange poems in the archives, and hid the records in the common information cabinet of the student union office. I also asked the presidents of the next student unions to sign on them, prohibiting subsequent student unions from discarding them, so I was able to preserve them. Come down."


He Jianfei said: "The security system in the student union archives is so strict, and you are still taking so much trouble to disperse and retrieve the information. I guessed that it was an extraordinary event, but I didn't expect that it would be this big. I I seemed to hear you calling that female ghost's name just now, what's her name called Dong?"


Old Man Li said: "Dong Hao, a very special name. I heard that she is also a very special girl, but... alas." He turned around and saw that He Jianfei still had a confused look on his face, so he took his hand and said to him I wrote it one stroke at a time on the palm of my hand.


"Winter lotus, winter lotus, winter lotus..." He Jianfei ignored Old Man Li beside him and just lowered his head and murmured in thought. Old Man Li looked at him strangely and was about to ask what was wrong. He Jianfei suddenly stretched his neck, frowned, and his eyes suddenly shone. Before Old Man Li could ask the question, he heard him calmly say: "I think I have guessed the mystery of that strange poem."


"What? Really!" When Old Man Li heard this, he actually forgot that he was already nearly eighty years old. He slapped his thigh hard and stood up suddenly: "What did you guess? Tell me quickly!!"


He Jianfei said: "I'm just making a random guess. Tell me whether it makes sense or not. Just now you said that the female ghost's name was Dong Ou. Since the strange poem was written because of her death, it must be related to her name. Counter reasoning In the past, the first two sentences of the poem were easily solved. Cherry blossoms are dancing everywhere, but they are most prosperous in Japan. The Japanese cherry blossoms often bloom first in winter, so we might as well assume that the answer to the first sentence is the word "winter" .The connection between the second sentence and the second character of the name is very obvious, road grass barrier, the road is blocked by grass, that is to say, the grass is spread on the road, this is either just right or ' Is it the glyph for '藗'?"


Mr. Li nodded and said: "At that time, some people said that the first two lines of the poem represented 'winter root', but because no one could guess the following poem, they thought it was wrong." He Jianfei said: " Compared with the following verses, the first two sentences are relatively simple. The latter verses are difficult to guess when viewed independently, but if you understand the clues of the first and second verses, it will be easier to decipher." Old Man Li was surprised. He said: "Hint? This is the first time I have heard that a riddle comes with a hint for the following." He Jianfei said: "Actually, it doesn't mean that, because it does not imply the answer, but the method of solving the puzzle. Just pay a little attention. It can be found that the method of solving the puzzle in the first sentence is different from that in the second sentence..." Before he finished speaking, Old Man Li suddenly realized: "This means that what Aqiang wants to express is that the whole poem is not... It can be solved using a puzzle-solving method." He Jianfei smiled and said: "Yes, the correct way to solve the puzzle is to blindly hit the mouse and hit whichever one you hit."