Abbot 1

At this time, Mount Wutai had already been capped by heavy snow. The accumulated white snow is piled thickly on the stretched body of the pine tree. As soon as the wind blows, it all flies down and gets into the warm back of the neck, which makes people very annoyed. Although it has stopped snowing, there are still flying catkins everywhere, melted, not melted, deformed, not deformed. Even a small gust of wind can spin around and block people's progress. Ice is hanging everywhere, as hard as a master's iron knife, and it will prick you hard when you are not paying attention. Tian Yinzhen had just suffered a bitter blow, and her shoulders were aching from being pushed. Seeing this, He Jianfei stepped forward and hugged Tian Yinzhen into his arms. The two of them couldn't help but regret that they should not have taken this path to take a shortcut. The main road time may be even less.


After finally walking out of the trail, I finally saw the mountain gate and the winding and clean main road. The two of them couldn't help but become excited, and both sped up their pace. "Report, why..." Seeing the two seniors He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen, the young novice guarding the door didn't dare to neglect him, so he opened his throat and shouted. Unexpectedly, He Jianfei had already sealed his mouth before he even shouted. He Jianfei smiled and said: "Wutai Mountain is my home, so why are you so polite? We can just go in quietly." The little novice monk said vaguely: "But the abbot..." Tian Yinzhen stamped his feet and turned around: "Abbott, what are you doing? Of course my uncle has something to say, don't be afraid or not."


Master Zenyue, the current abbot of Mount Wutai, had just finished presiding over the ritual ceremony in the main hall, when the young novice monk at the door shouted "He..." and then fell silent. Master Zenyue wondered: With what? Never heard of any faction called He? ah! He Jianfei! When I thought that those two were coming, I secretly screamed something bad, and ran away regardless of the monks in the temple who were still standing by. Unfortunately, he was discovered by He Jianfei who happened to enter the inner door, and immediately ran up and chased him fiercely. Tian Yinzhen asked the little novice monk a few words at the door before entering the inner door. He saw Master Chanyue lifting up his monk's robe and running away desperately. He Jianfei was chasing after him with his legs spinning like a hot wheel. There was a newcomer in the temple. The monk stared at this scene with his mouth open, and couldn't help being angry and amused. He shouted: "Elder brother, you are the abbot of a temple, and you are running around like this. Can you pay attention to your demeanor?" Master Zenyue turned a deaf ear and continued. He ran forward wildly, thinking to himself: I would rather not be graceful. If I were chased, I might even lose my life. Tian Yinzhen shrugged, entered the main hall and greeted the monks: "Everyone, please leave, don't be surprised, don't be surprised." He Jianfei was panting after chasing him, and saw that he had already circled the temple, and he hadn't caught up yet, and he was confused. We haven't seen each other for just a few months, but my senior brother's running skills have improved so quickly. Could it be that he has been practicing every day since he defeated me last time? How about trying my newly developed encirclement strategy.


Facts ultimately proved that He Jianfei's strategy was quite effective. Master Chanyue was forced into the Sutra Pavilion, with bookshelves everywhere and nowhere to escape, and was caught by He Jianfei. He Jianfei was sweating profusely from running and rested against the door. Seeing that Master Chanyue was still trying to escape by climbing out of the three-meter-high window, he said angrily: "Brother, I am your junior brother, not a man-eating tiger. You Why are you running so fast after seeing me?" Master Zenyue gasped while busy looking for a ladder: "Although you are not a tiger, you are more terrifying than a tiger. Tell me, when did you come to me with good intentions?" He Jianfei He gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay for you to belittle someone, but you don't have to be so thorough. Brothers in the same sect should help each other in times of difficulty. It is only natural and reasonable that I come to you."


"Is it reasonable for me to sacrifice my life for you?"


Tian Yinzhen, who had just arrived to see the outcome of the battle, came in and interrupted: "Okay, you still want to quarrel? You don't even consider our reputation. Wutai Mountain has almost lost all its face to you." The two grown men immediately expressed their hatred towards each other. . Master Zenyue scolded: "Are you the host or am I the host? I am in charge of these things, what are you talking about?" He Jianfei followed up: "You might as well worry about whether you can get married. !" The two finally lost to Tian Yinzhen's stunt of "throwing broken pots and tiles together" and were defeated in Maicheng.


The night was getting darker. After entertaining He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen, the little novice monk carefully checked the threshold with the dinner plate and went out. Two middle-aged monks with three seals on their heads came in to greet He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen. Since He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen were disciples of Master Zhi in his old age, there was an age difference of more than 40 years between them and his eldest disciple, Master Chanyue. However, the two middle-aged monks who came to pay their respects were actually He Jianfei and Tian Yinzhen in terms of seniority. descendants.


"Greetings, uncles." He Jianfei couldn't bear to see someone who was more than twenty years older than him still bowing to him. He stood up and said: "Forget it, forget it, I told Master a long time ago that I He Yinzi has a special status, so these seniority rules should not be so strict."
