Another wave 3

Before he finished speaking, a loud "bang" was heard, which immediately startled everyone in the hall. It turned out that Tian Yinzhen accidentally broke the tea cup. Old man Chen quickly stood up and picked up the pieces. When he looked up, he found that the three people were staring at him with strange eyes. He said in panic: "Did I say something wrong?" Old man Li said quietly: "Okay, Xiao Chen, I recommend it." You go up, you guessed the answer to the riddle, but you are willing to hide him for fifty years?!" When old man Chen heard that this was wrong, he quickly cried out: "I am the worst person who is not good at making circles, how can I I can guess it with my ability. If Zhang Junxing hadn't said it, I wouldn't have known that there was such a deep mystery hidden in these eight sentences. Alas, it's a pity for him."


Hearing these words, the three of them felt a chill in their hearts. Unexpectedly, someone had revealed the truth more than fifty years earlier than He Jianfei and solved the mystery set by the real Ah Qiang.


He Jianfei considered the words and said slowly: "Does Mr. Chen mean that if Zhang Junxing had not died, the truth about the injustice would have been revealed 51 years ago?" There was only a "pop" sound, and in the hands of Mr. Chen The pieces that were picked up were all scattered on the ground. He stared at He Jianfei with a strange expression for a while, and then said: "Why... why did you know that he was dead? Who told you?" Tian Yinzhen said in surprise: "Old man Chen, it's not the records you left behind that told us. Really? You don't have to be so scared, do you?"


Old Uncle Chen calmed down and said resolutely: "No! Don't talk about discontinued records. I have deleted all records related to this matter!"


Something is fishy! He Jianfei hurriedly wrote the records of Jun Zu and Ting Zu to Old Man Chen. Old Man Chen was surprised and asked He Jianfei in detail about the location of the break record. When he learned that it was written on the program of a cultural performance, he finally burst into tears and said to Old Man Li, "I know who it is." Old man Li quickly asked: "Who is so bold that he even dares to secretly change files?" Old man Chen choked and said: "This must be Tan Xingwan, Shen Fang and the two of them. They and Zhang Junxing are life and death friends. I must not be reconciled to Zhang Junxing's death. Senior brother, if I hadn't had so many misfortunes that year, why would the 52nd world be so helpless, weak and incompetent? All the good ideas have gone away!"


Seeing that Old Chen was getting more and more excited as he talked, He Jianfei hurriedly helped Old Chen sit down on a chair. Tian Yinzhen also quickly poured a cup of hot tea for him to drink, and then slowly calmed down his emotions. Old Uncle Li comforted Old Uncle Chen and said: "There are unpredictable events in the sky, and these are not your fault. My world is not scattered after Aqiang left? Don't be busy missing the old people now, tell us the details The situation, it is important to solve the mystery of the ghost road." Old man Chen stopped his sorrow and told He Jianfei and others about a scene that had been unknown for 51 years.


"After Senior Brother Li left office, Senior Brother Huang took office. He mobilized a large number of manpower to secretly investigate the path of the unjust ghost. In the end, he returned with no results because he had no clue. I also advised him that Senior Brother Li and Senior Brother Aqiang are like this Although we were familiar with each other, we couldn't figure out the mystery, let alone us? He didn't listen, and still searched for Homo sapiens in order to decipher the strange poem. Later, when I took office, I thought that although the school did not dare to embarrass it, after The fire in the whole school was a major event, and the school's financial budget was already in deficit every year. So I completely hung up on this matter. Unexpectedly, one day, Zhang Junxing came to me and asked me to read that strange poem. At that time, he also asked him: "You also want to learn from Senior Brother Huang to solve puzzles, right? I think you shouldn't bother. Senior Brother Li can't find any clues when working with him. Who is Senior Brother Aqiang? He set it up I guess I have to wait until he is reincarnated before I can solve the mystery." Zhang Junxing said with a smile: "It also depends on chance. Senior Brother Li will be confused if he cares. Even if he can't solve it, let me see what kind of weird method it is. .' I thought he was out of curiosity, so I showed it to him, thinking that he couldn't see anything and it wouldn't matter if he took a look. Who knew that two days later he came to me excitedly and said that the answer to the mystery had been solved. , are the six words "Dongluo is wronged and his life is in danger." I stared at him dumbfounded, and it took me a long time to say: "You are really a weirdo." He smiled brightly and said: "Now that I have a clue, then Chairman, please find someone to help me. I dare to issue a military order to resolve this matter within half a month." I waved my hand and said: "This is definitely not possible. I have just made a financial budget, and I have pocketed all my family assets. There is still a big difference.' At that time, we didn't have any theories about ghosts causing trouble. Yougangding was still called Yougangding. If I could have foreseen that it would develop into the biggest horror legend on campus. , I had already led my people to solve it in person. Zhang Junxing was stunned when he heard what I said, and said: "What about including my net worth?" I laughed: "You kid, don't be stupid. The death of Senior Brother Aqiang is of course It makes me sad, but after all, the overall situation of the campus must be the most important, and he is not happy to see us messing up the situation he created." Zhang Junxing murmured: "The overall situation of the campus?" Suddenly his eyes He looked at me brightly and said: "I have a very vague premonition that the Yougangding incident will definitely be related to the overall situation of the campus in the future. I must make it clear. No one can stop me!" He was angry and laughing at the same time: "It's okay, don't be so nervous. I have a serious task assigned to you." He was about to walk out, but when he heard this, he turned around and smiled mysteriously at me. Said: 'Chairman Chen, let me tell you a secret. Last night I met Senior Dong Hao. She was wearing white clothes, sitting under the tree where she hung herself, sobbing. I saw her crying sadly, so I went up to call her. There was a sound, but he disappeared.' Somehow, I broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this. Just as I was about to scold him for talking nonsense, he had already walked away.
