" Warin, manners dictate that you have to know the door before you enter" Guardian Lenora snapped Enforcer Warin.

" How will you wiggle yourself out of this one Guardian "Warin's maniacal laughter filled the room.

"It's none of your business Warin "She raised her chin,

" I beg to differ. This is my business. An undisciplined slave sneaked out of the quarters in the middle of the night can only be a spy" Warin drawled as he stood towering over me.

" Back off" Guardian Lenora growled at Warin who seemed unfazed by her threats.

" No" Enforcer Warin remained adamant. " You better follow me to the Enforcers hall right now Guardian. Rules are rules" He turned and left.

" That fucking bastard. " Guardian Lenora muttered through gritted teeth. She paced up and down the office as Fabian and I stood still, wondering what would happen next.

" Hold your ground and don't utter a word unless I tell you to" Guardian Lenora commanded me. " I shall count myself lucky if you can escape this punishment but knowing Warin well, he will drag this out until you are canned. "

" I will accept the punishment Guardian" I whispered.

" How? He is out for blood and will ensure you remain crippled " Guardian Lenora informed us.

I had no answer for her as we marched to the Enforcer hall minutes later and found Enforcer Warin, her Highness Gisela, and His Highness Carian looking smug as we walked into the hall.

" Guardian " Her Highness Gisela raised her chin defiantly. " Warin informed us that one of your slaves sneaked out of your quarters and you attempted to hide it. This is a first. I wonder what you are up to?"

" My dear Gisela, words that come out of your mouth are always nonsensical " I retorted and her eyes blazed.

" Guardian, this is a serious accusation " His Highness Carian spoke up.

" Get on your knees slave " Enforcer Warin's voice boomed.

"Only I command the slaves in the inner court " Guardian Lenora responded defiantly.

Enforcer Warin snickered and then picked a whip from his desk and walked over to where I stood. He raised it and the lash hit my backside but I stood firm. He continued to whip me while I used the power in my mind to hold my body firm and push the pain away. I knew that later, I would curse out because the pain would be there and hence my head remain bowed.

" What the fuck " Her Highness Gisela whispered.

" Is he even human?" His Highness Ciaran muttered

" What the fuck is going on?" We heard a loud voice boom from the door.

Her Highness Gisela and Ciaran gasped and told me that someone higher up arrived.

" I asked what the fuck is going on" The voice boomed and my mind registered immediately that it was Lord Silas Sith.

" Your majesty " Guardian Lenora spoke

" Your majesty " I heard Her Highness Gisela, His Highness Ciaran, and Enforcer Warin pipe.

" Warin, are my eyes failing me or did you just whip the slave we chose the other day ?" Lord Silas must have walked closer as I felt his voice right next to me.

" Your majesty, this slave sneaked out of the slave quarters last night. One of the guards reported it and even Guardian Lenora was informed. She decided not to punish him and hide the crime" Enforcer Warin spoke up defiantly.

" And so you took it upon yourself to punish a slave that belongs to us?" Lord Silas's voice was cold and laced with a warning.

" I am abiding by the rules" Enforcer Warin spoke up and the next thing Lord Sith did surprised all of us. He slapped Enforcer Warin with so much force that he landed on his knees. I heard a gasp from His Highness Gisela.

" What fucking rules, state that you can punish the slaves in the inner court on your own? Did you report it? " Lord Sith demanded.

" No. Your majesty" Enforcer Warin muttered.

" You crossed the line Warin" Lord Sith boomed.

" I apologize for your majesty. It was an oversight on my end " Enforcer Warin whispered.

" Oversight? You gathered witnesses to see you punish the slaves?" Lord Sith's sarcastic voice rose.

" We were just passing by your Majesty" Gisela spoke hurriedly and dragged Ciaran out of the hall.

" Come on " Lord Sith stated and I listened to his footsteps leaving the hall.

" Follow me, " I heard the Guardian Lenora command.

I raised my bowed head and the pain in my back radiated I staggered back but Fabian held my hand.

" I am fine" I whispered as I watched Enforcer Warin rise from the floor and his eyes blazed at me with hatred.

We left the Enforcers hall and followed Guardian Lenora back to her office. Lord Sith was standing by the window and when the door closed we bowed our heads.

" Fabian" Lord Sith spoke up.

" Yes, your majesty, " Fabian responded.

" Go back to your quarters" He commanded.

" Yes, Your Majesty, " Fabian turned around and left Guardian Lenora's office. Once the door closed the was pin-drop silence in the room.

" Raise your head "Lord Sith commanded. I slowly raised my head and heard his intake of breath.

" Guardian, could you give us a few minutes to speak or will this cause you more trouble?" Lord Sith drawled.

" No, your majesty" Guardian Lenora responded and then added " And Thank you, your majesty. " And with that, she was gone and I was left with Lord Sith. When the door clicked close, I lowered my head and my eyes hit the sleek polished floor.

Lord Sith moved closer to me and then his hand went to my chin and pushed my head up to face him. Our eyes clashed and we stood staring at each other.

" So you sneaked out and Niko saved you. " Lord Sith's eyes twinkled with mischief.

" Yes, Your Majesty" The words escaped my mouth.

" My goodness, you smell so sweet" He whispered as he lowered his mouth and hovered over me " You are bleeding"

" I was whipped by your majesty" I responded and could not help the sarcasm that laced my voice.

" You are a troublemaker" Lord Sith scolded me and stepped backward looking like he was disgusted by me. My brows furrowed and I felt a pang of hurt in my heart but he was quick to respond "It's not that I am disgusted by you Cedric, rather the opposite. I am so attracted to you, that I can barely contain myself. "

" What?" My eyes widened as the words sunk in.

" You heard me. He moved closer and towered over me. The fire and lust I saw in his eyes made my body shudder and the action did not escape his eyes.

" Oh Cedric, I can see the feeling is mutual" His hand rose and then one finger rubbed my lips as my mouth voluntarily opened and I felt myself reeled in by his handsome and attractive demeanor.

My head tilted back causing his finger to drop from my lips and I responded " I have no idea of what you are saying your majesty" I swallowed hard.

He stared at me for a while and then sidestepped me to walk out of the room but not before he placed a kiss on my ear and whispered " Oh Cedric, you are blushing so hard, I wonder if it's the same underneath your clothes" I could only remain stoic as he walked out of the room and once the door closed, my legs gave way and I slipped to the floor, completely subdued by one Lord Silas Sith.