When I left Guardian Lenora's office, the doctor that she allocated followed me to the private quarters. Fabian seemed angry by the way his eyes flashed in anger.

" Please remove your shirt, " The doctor said. 

I shed my shirt off and the doctor gasped in surprise as he stared at the two whip marks that were fresh and looked painful. 

" How come you are not wincing in pain ?" He demanded as he put the medicine on the marks.

" I am in pain just holding it in," I whispered. Once he was done he placed two bottles of pills and pointed out " For the pain. Just in case" And with that he was out of the door and we were left with Fabian. 

" Cedric, are you out of your mind? " He yelled at me. 

" What is it ?" My eyes widened, feigning ignorance.

" I am your best friend, hence I know all the tricks up your sleeve and even more so when you are pretending " He snapped at me.

"Wouldn't it be best for you to just speak up instead of beating around the bush " I huffed. 

" Can you tell me what is going on between you and the Lords of the castle? And you better not say " nothing" because I watched in shock as Lord Silas Sith defended you. And the guards are now whispering that Lord Silas has never defended anyone since they came to the castle. He even hit Enforcer Waren, which is good for us, I could not be happier but this will cause trouble for us" Fabian ranted.

"Nothing is going on. What could be going on? I spent most of my time with you. If you were the one being whipped he would have done the same " I responded. 

" Cedric, do you remember why we are here in the castle? " Fabian added. 

" I have not forgotten" I snapped at him. 

" You can snap all you want but I know that your stand has been waived. Don't be fooled by the handsome faces of the three Lords. They have enslaved our people for centuries and the only way to deal with them is to bring them down and free our people. " 

"I know it all " I muttered through gritted teeth and walked to the bedroom and lay on the bed next to him. I heard the way Fabian cursed and banged the table but my mind was in turmoil. 

I closed my eyes and let the pain out as the sting from the marks behind my back rose. I knew Fabian was somewhat right. I was attracted to the Lords of the castle. Niko had made my heart beat so fast and my cock hardened. When he held me all I could think of was how firm his body was and even wanted to climb on his arms. When Silas held me, my body trembled with need, cock hardened and I wanted to lock our lips together and savor his taste. 

I was a traitor who almost betrayed the Elisara council because of lust. Fabian's words had hit home and I vowed to resist the temptation from the three lords. 

Early the next day, Guardian Lenora arrived at our quarters just as we got ready to leave for the inner court training. 

" Good morning Guardian " We bowed.

" Rise" She commanded. " How are your wounds, Cedric"

" Much better Guardian. Thank you for your care" I responded kindly. 

"Good. Today I have separate tasks for you, " She announced. Fabian will spend time learning about the inner court rules about service which includes meals, baths, and bedding. You will be allocated to serve the Lords and the royal family Noire.

" As you command Guardian " Fabian bowed in acceptance.

" Great. I brought the guards to escort you to the training room. His Highness Fergus Noire will be present during your training. I urge you to behave and not cause me any trouble" 

" Yes Guardian " Fabian was escorted out of the quarters by the guards and when the door closed behind him, Guardian Lenora stepped forward.

" Cedric, come sit with me " She pointed at the two seats by the living room.

"Yes Guardian" I nodded and we walked to the seats and sat down.

" I have been asked to bring you to the inner chambers of the Lords. I have to warn you that it is not a good idea but Lord Talon Sith insists that he wants to meet with you. I have another plan if you agree " She spoke up. 

" I will listen to you Guardian " I responded.

" It would be best to accompany me to the royal garden. The plan is to act as if we are planning to learn the rules of the coven from that crazy man Maxwell. He will then lead you to his private quarters in the garden. His home is always hidden and no one has ever accessed it. It would be the safest place to meet with Lord Talon Sith." 

" As you wish Guardian" I piped. 

" Good. From now on listen to me if you want to survive. I know that the Lords have taken a liking to you and even allocated you guards for protection. But this will raise eyebrows and the inner court will from now on target you " Guardian informed me. 

Every work sunk in and my mind was moved into turmoil again. She stood up and then beckoned me to follow her. We left the quarters and walked deeper into the castle for close to twenty minutes. I tried to remember every corner and turn, but after a while, I gave up memorizing and just settled for following her.

" Don't waste your breath memorizing. Only I know the castle in and out " She chuckled. 

We arrived at a large gold door and then the guards opened the door and we walked into the garden. My jaw dropped as the view of the garden hit my face. The place was so magical that I was in awe at how well it was maintained. One could not tell if it was broad daylight or night as the low light illuminating the garden created a romantic ambiance. I wondered how the plants grew as there was no direct sunlight that hit the garden. Come to think of it, since I came to the castle, I had no experience of direct sunlight at any point.

We moved deeper into the garden and came to the garden seat that had an old man sleeping.

" Who dares intrude on the royal garden and interrupt my nap?" The old man spoke without opening his eyes.

" Forgive me, Advisor Maxwell. It is me Guardian Lenora" She spoke up. 

The old man sat up and opened his eyes. He stared at Guardian Lenora and then his eyes landed on me. His eyes widened and he stood up while raking his eyes all over me.

" Lenora, I am so glad you came. Introduce me to this slave " He pointed at me. 

" Yes, Advisor Maxwell. This is Cedric Charon. The new slave that was selected by the Lords to serve the inner court." Guardian Lenora stated.

Advisor Maxwell walked over and stood staring up at me. " I finally saw it. Welcome to the Sith Castle Cedric Charon" 

" It's a pleasure to meet you Advisor Maxwell " I bowed. I felt him push his powers into my mind and I blocked him and remained stoic while his eyes twinkled with mischief.